Hey! You! Do you like Castlevania? Do you want to join a webring/group dedicated to it? Then the Vampire Hunters Union is for you!
The Vampire Hunters Union is a ring solely dedicated to the Castlevania games and the people that like them. There are no other requirements such as needing Castlevania content on your webpage, or anything like that, it's just a way to link up with other fans of the classic game series!
To join, just reach out and contact me directly, and I'll add your username to this page and get it added to our onionring code too!
First, once we've got your URL implemented, paste this into the head of the page where you want to put the widget:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://germicelli.neocities.org/onion/onionring.css ">
Next, paste this wherever you want to put the widget.
<div id='vampirehuntersunion'>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://germicelli.neocities.org/onion/onionring-variables.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://germicelli.neocities.org/onion/onionring-widget.js"></script>
Then you're good to go! If you're having trouble with the widget recognizing your page as part of the webring, contact germicelli, since she manages the code for our onionring.
We also have a stylish button you might want to take with you to show your status as a hunter.

And, if you’re so inclined, here’s a link to the VHU server on discord, where the webring was born. Just click the wall meat and you're in.
You might also consider joining my forum dedicated to Castlevania.

Joining the Discord or the Forum isn't necessary to be a member, but it is a nice place to talk to other Castlevania fans.

valmneranchronicle / insuredgecko
dhampyrism / Royal Chapel Archive