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Descriptions from the in-game terms list. Has some interesting lore tidbits about the various locations. For character bios check the character page.


The Ecclesia Clan was created for the purpose of eradicating Dracula. To this end, they research glyphs and other magical techniques.


Essentially, an artistic symbol representing the power that dwells within all things. Each symbol contains a great deal of magical energy, which can be released if one properly channels magic through the glyph itself.


This storied clan of vampire hunters has engaged in mortal combat against Dracula countless times in the past. However, one day the Belmonts simply vanished. In their absence, a number of clans have risen in their place to continue the fight against evil.


Dominus is a powerful glyph, and the ultimate weapon against Dracula's evil. Barlowe created this glyph by splitting a powerful magic into three separate parts. However, all three sections must be channeled simultaneously for Dominus to have an effect, meaning Shanoa is the only member of Ecclesia able to harness its power.

Glyph Union

Glyph Union is a method of combining the powers of two glyphs on Shanoa's left and right arms to create a third, more powerful glyph (UP+ Y/ X). This technique will consume hearts.

Glyph Sleeve

You may set up to three glyphs in advance for quick selection. While holding down A, press L or R to swap the glyphs you have selected. Glyphs equipped in this way are indicated as A, B, and C.


Shanoa can place glyphs on her back which summon Familiars. These creatures will fight enemies, and like Shanoa, will become stronger as they level up.

Attribute Points

Glyphs gain strength with use. When you defeat an enemy using glyphs of a specific attribute: slash, strike, flame, ice, lightning, darkness, or light, it strengthens glyphs associated with that attribute.


Treasure chests contain items. Wooden Chests contain common items, and may be restored when you return to the area later. Green Chests, however, are rare, and conceal much better items. Other chests are rumored to be locked away, far from inquisitive eyes, hiding treasures worth the trouble.

Boss Medal

Defeat a boss without receiving damage to earn this mark of valor. Merely decorative, unfortunately.


As the monks fell to plague and more indulgent lifestyles, this sacred place fell into disrepair. Now, rumors suggest that criminals and strange creatures have taken refuge within its once-holy walls.

Wygol Village

Father Nikolai founded this sleepy village, and others soon followed. Now, danger lurks in the surrounding wilderness and threatens Wygol's tranquility.

Ruvas Forest

An old, winding road from Wygol Village passes through this wood. Legends whisper that wayfarers lost along this forsaken path will find themselves in another world.

Kalidus Channel

The weather in this area changes suddenly and violently, due to strong winds from the south. These stormy conditions cause ships to capsize, sending their crews to a watery grave; doomed to wander a maze of undersea caverns for all eternity.

Minera Prison Island

This abandoned prison once housed petty thieves and criminals forgotten by society. The lighthouse on the island is still in service, and at time strange figures can be seen coming and going. What purpose have they for empty cells and forsaken souls?


An important landmark for seafaring folk in nearby waters, this lighthouse is home to many riddles. Who built it? Who tends the light? Lately, even more mysteries have arisen, such as what causes the island to tremor and shake?

Tymeo Mountains

The Tymeo range is the largest in the region, rumored to be a nesting ground for terrible creatures. Hikers foolish enough to traverse these peaks tell of strange howling that can be heard from the many caverns below.

Misty Forest Road

This forest path is enveloped in a thick fog, regardless of the season. The mists whisper to unwary travelers, swallowing them as they stray from the road, never to be seen again.

Skeleton Cave

It is said that on a moonless night, many graves were opened, and many bones stolen. The stench of death rose up, and the empty eyes of a thousand skulls set themselves to seek yet more tombs to befoul. Such was the price of a temple built from the bones of the fallen.

Somnus Reef

This reef is an area of calm and gentle seas of warm water. On a clear day, one can see to the peaks of Tristis. Care must be taken, however, as swift riptides may carry swimmers to dangerous currents along the ocean floor.

Giant’s Dwelling

This deserted estate once belonged to local authorities. Nobody dares approach it these days, as legends suggest a giant has taken up residence there, lending the place an appropriate name.

Tristis Pass

A rough path cut through mountains, Tristis is said to be a march of the dead. The road winds through caverns rumored to glow an eerie blue, from countless tears shed in grief for the lost.

Oblivion Ridge

These cliffs were once the site of the local harvest celebration. Now, the fruitful land is withered and barren, and the sounds of laughter have long since died away.

Argila Swamp

This festering swamp is putrid with decayed leaves from rotten trees. The foul waters have been known to engulf travelers, dragging them screaming toward the abyss.

Mystery Manor

The subject of local legend, this mansion was the scene of a number of bizarre murders. Supposedly burned down, it has more recently been host to a number of curious incidents...