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Here is a list of every enemy in the game, with stats, item drops, and any notes I thought were worth adding. Enjoy!

1. BAT
HP: 1
ATK: 1
EXP: 1
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame
Tolerances: None
Item drops: None
Location: Monastery, Ruvas Forest, Tymeo Mountains, Tristis Pass
“A bloodsucking bat that lurks in the dark.”

Notes: A typical Castlevania bat enemy. Will swoop once across the screen when alerted.

HP: 9
ATK: 6
EXP: 1
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Thunder, Stone
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Rotten Meat
Location: Monastery, Giant's Dwelling, Ruvas Forest (Necromancer Summon)
“A lively animated corpse, magically brought to life.”

Notes: It has no special attacks and simply walks forward. Only does damage on contact.

HP: 12
ATK: 5
EXP: 3
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: None
Location: Ecclesia, Monastery, Ruvas Forest, Giant's Dwelling
“A skeletal corpse controlled by magic. One of many.”

Notes: Will walk back and forth and toss a bone overhead at you. Backdash is your friend!

HP: 5
ATK: 5
EXP: 3
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame
Tolerances: Strike
Item drops: None
Location: Monastery
“The reanimated ghost of a horse killed on the battlefield.”

Notes: Unlike the bats, these are persistent and will keep going after you.

HP: 3
ATK: 7
EXP: 4
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Light
Tolerances: Strike, Slash, Darkness
Item drops: None, but scream attack can be recorded for a quest
Location: Monastery
“An apparition whose chilling wail stops men cold.”

Notes: Decent defenses but can be killed quickly before she has a chance to use her scream attack. Additionally, in folklore, banshees foreshadow the death of a family member or loved one, which may be why they appear in the first level of the game, given later events.

HP: 17
ATK: 13
EXP: 1
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: Secare
Location: Monastery, Ruvas Forest
“A skeleton warrior. Strangely, it fights with genuine courage.”

Notes: Secare is a useful early glyph and is worth getting in the monastery. The Bone Scimitar itself will move back and forth like a typical skeleton and attack directly in front of it.

HP: 6
ATK: 8
EXP: 5
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Thunder
Tolerances: Ice
Item drops: None
Location: Kalidus Channel
“A carnivorous and disturbingly agile fish creature.”

Notes: Will dart out of the water near the surface of Kalidus. If you jump from crate to crate it usually won't hit you, though.

HP: 16
ATK: 12
EXP: 7
AP: 1
du Weaknesses: Slash, Flame
Tolerances: Strike
Item drops: None
Location: Ruvas Forest, Kalidus Channel
“An evil, soul-sucking spirit that paralyzes its victims.”

Notes: One of the more dangerous early game enemies. It will immobilize you and do several ticks of damage if it catches you. I recommend getting Ascia from the Axe Armors in Ruvas Forest as soon as you're able, as it makes them much more manageable. If you have Secare you can also use the Secare union glyph to take them out in the air with ease.

HP: 23
ATK: 15
EXP: 9
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Strike, Thunder
Tolerances: Flame
Item drops: Copper Ore, Ascia
Location: Monastery (Hard Mode), Ruvas Forest, Minera Prison Island
“A heavily-armored warrior with an equally heavy axe.”

Notes: A typical Axe Armor. Will throw axes either at head-level or close to the ground, which will cross the screen twice.

10. UNE
HP: 1
ATK: 14
EXP: 1
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame
Tolerances: Thunder, Light
Item drops: None
Location: Ruvas Forest, Argila Swamp
“This plant's diet of blood results in odd mutations.”

Notes: A trap that will get unsuspecting players, but not an especially dangerous one.

HP: 17
ATK: 16
EXP: 6
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Thunder, Poison, Curse
Tolerances: Thunder, Light
Item drops: Meat, Zircon
Location: Kalidus Channel
“This aquatic hunter spots prey from the water before leaping.”

Notes: Will hop out of the water in front of the player, so just wait for them to get into attacking range. Worth noting that the Zircon is not a quest item so don't bother to grind for it unless needed for completionism.

HP: 22
ATK: 13
EXP: 7
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Stone
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Fidelis Caries (Glyph steal)
Location: Ruvas Forest
“Uses black magic to animate and control corpses.”

Notes: The first enemy you can steal a glyph from. Neither he nor his zombies are very dangerous as they won't target or attack you directly, but it's worth learning the steal mechanic.

HP: 18
ATK: 16
EXP: 5
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: Arcus
Location: Monastery (Hard Mode), Minera Prison Island
“An archer who attacks with bone and arrows.”

Notes: Skeleton that fires a projectile. Wait for it to fire and then jump.

HP: 24
ATK: 16
EXP: 9
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Strike, Thunder, Stone
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Copper Ore, Hasta
Location: Minera Prison Island
“An armored warrior wielding a long lance.”

Notes: Can attack through floors.

HP: 70
EXP: 15
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Curse
Tolerances: None
Item drops: None
Location: Minera Prison Island
“A magician who gave up his soul to gain invisibility.”

Notes: Applies a distortion effect to the background behind him and can be easily seen.

HP: 14
ATK: 16
EXP: 4
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Thunder
Tolerances: Strike, Ice
Item drops: None
Location: Kalidus Channel
“A rare, water-dwelling creature.”

Notes: Fairly annoying. For the underwater bomb segments, just kill Gelso when they appear as it will delay their spawn by a few seconds. Slow and steady wins the race.

HP: 10
ATK: 17
EXP: 2
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Flame, Thunder
Tolerances: Ice
Item drops: Salt
Location: Kalidus Channel, Somnus Reef
“A hard-shelled sea urchin. A questionable delicacy.”

Notes: These don't move, they're just stage hazards.

HP: 44
ATK: 22
EXP: 22
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Light
Tolerances: Darkness
Item drops: None
Location: Minera Prison Island
“A fell beast of the underworld.”

Notes: Will fly around and swoop but doesn't have a glyph attack, unlike its brethren.

HP: 50
ATK: 24
EXP: 7
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Flame, Thunder
Tolerances: Ice
Item drops: Salt
Location: Kalidus Channel, Somnus Reef
“A violent fish, with a spirit as fossilized as its body.”

Notes: Underwater, ice-element variant of Bone Pillar.

HP: 40
ATK: 21
EXP: 18
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Thunder, Curse
Tolerances: Strike, Ice
Item drops: Black Ink
Location: Kalidus Channel
“An octopus creature, tormented by black magic.”

Notes: None

HP: 38
ATK: 22
EXP: 17
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Thunder, Poison, Curse
Tolerances: Ice
Item drops: Raw Killer Fish
Location: Kalidus Channel
“A ferocious fish. Fetches a high prices among epicures.”

Notes: I love this thing and I have no idea why. It's just a fish.

HP: 43
ATK: 24
EXP: 19
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Thunder
Tolerances: Strike, Ice
Item drops: Salt
Location: Kalidus Channel
“A demonic sea creature from the oceans of the underworld.”

Notes: None

HP: 260
ATK: 27
EXP: 90
AP: 2
Weaknesses: Slash
Tolerances: Thunder
Item drops: None
Location: Minera Prison Island
“A mad scientist created this wonder of artificial biology.”

Notes: Seems formidable on paper but I’ve always been able to take this thing out before it can pull out its attacks.

HP: 13
ATK: 25
EXP: 13
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Curse, Stone
Tolerances: None
Item drops: None
Location: Tymeo Mountains
“An evil bird with an acquired taste for human flesh.”

Note: Kill 30 for one of Irina’s quests.

HP: 32
ATK: 26
EXP: 20
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Anti-Venom, Fidelis Aranea
Location: Kalidus Channel, Tymeo Mountains
“A monsterous spider with a skull-shaped body.”

Note: Can inflict poison.

HP: 50
ATK: 30
EXP: 26
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Darkness
Item drops: None
Location: Tymeo Mountains
“Quite a threat, if he only had a brain.”

Note: It can't damage you at your default height, so just walk on by.

HP: 88
ATK: 27
EXP: 33
AP: 2
Weaknesses: Thunder, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: Grando (Glyph steal)
Location: Kalidus Channel, Somnus Reef
“An evil demon of the sea, skilled in ice magic.”

Note: Similar to the Demon, but has a steal-able glyph.

HP: 10
ATK: 26
EXP: 1
AP: 0
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: None
Location: Ruvas Forest (Hard Mode), Minera Prison Island, Tymeo Mountains, Skeleton Cave (Hard Mode), Dracula’s Castle (Forsaken Cloister)
“A skeleton given wings and made to fly.”

Note: Will go across the screen in an oscillating pattern.

HP: 44
ATK: 28
EXP: 27
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Horse Hair
Location: Tymeo Mountains
“Those who witness its coming soon know death.”

Notes: None.

HP: 100
ATK: 31
EXP: 45
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Strike, Thunder, Stone
Tolerances: Flame
Item drops: Iron Ore
Location: Tymeo Mountains
“A soldier armed with stones and a throwing arm.”

Notes: Will throw a rock projectile at you. Simply move forward once it has been thrown.

HP: 111
ATK: 36
EXP: 66
AP: 2
Weaknesses: Ice, Light
Tolerances: Flame, Darkness
Item drops: Crimson Greaves, Crimson Mail, Ignis (Glyph steal)
Location: Tymeo Mountains
“This demon is master of the consuming flames.”

Notes: Another demon enemy. Ignis is a useful glyph worth stealing.

HP: 33
ATK: 27
EXP: 29
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Ice, Darkness
Tolerances: Light
Item drops: None
Location: Misty Forest Road
“Invisibility is this creature's cloak, and its weapon.”

Notes: These can swarm you and do repeated damage, so don't ignore them when they appear.

HP: 34
ATK: 29
EXP: 31
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Light
Tolerances: Strike, Slash, Darkness
Item drops: None
Location: Kalidus Channel, Misty Forest Road
“An eternally wandering spirit, consumed by hatred.”

Notes: None

HP: 150
ATK: 33
EXP: 65
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Poison, Curse, Stone
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Earl Grey
Location: Misty Forest Road
“Enjoys his cursed vocation because he meets new people.”

Notes: Will start his attacks by throwing his shovel, which can be dodged by crouching. Then he will do large kicks and other close-range melee attacks. He is affected by all status ailments.

HP: 99
ATK: 29
EXP: 50
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Light, Curse, Stone
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Arma Chiroptera
Location: Misty Forest Road
“A female, half-human bat. How about that.”

Notes: Can kick and shoot bat projectiles. Arma Chiroptera is a decent early glyph and has unique abilities and is a somewhat common drop.

HP: 66
ATK: 28
EXP: 49
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Light, Stone
Tolerances: Darkness
Item drops: Milk, Umbra (Glyph steal)
Location: Misty Forest Road
“This monster's tongue dances with dark incantations.”

Notes: This enemy appears in just one room, so make sure you steal Umbra when you see it just to ensure you don't have to make a second trip.

HP: 450
ATK: 37
EXP: 250
AP: 4
Weaknesses: Slash
Tolerances: Thunder
Item drops: None
Location: Misty Forest Road
“A lonely artificial monster, its only company a white dragon.”

Notes: Appears once as a sort of mini-boss.

HP: 200
ATK: 35
EXP: 22
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: None
Location: Tymeo Mountains, Skeleton Cave, Training Hall
“Created from bleached dinosaur bones, fossilized in the clay.”

Notes: Will shoot projectiles.

HP: 62
ATK: 33
EXP: 28
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: None
Location: Skeleton Cave, Giant’s Dwelling
“Leaps boundlessly in a dark dance of the doomed.”

Notes: To avoid these, simply crouch in the safe area beneath where they leap and repeatedly use Luminatio.

HP: 80
ATK: 32
EXP: 50
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: None
Location: Tutorial (Hard Mode), Tymeo Mountains, Skeleton Cave
“A skeletal savior, foretold since ancient days.”

Notes: Can use melee attacks and fire a projectile.

HP: 88
ATK: 34
EXP: 54
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: Vol Confodere
Location: Tymeo Mountains, Skeleton Cave
“This knight doesn't need a head to hand his enemies theirs.”

Notes: None

HP: 184
ATK: 37
EXP: 105
AP: 2
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: None
Location: Skeleton Cave
“A fossilized thunder lizard, given life by an evil will.”

Notes: A dangerous enemy for this point in the game, that moves erratically and can dish out a lot of damage. I recommend saving your hearts for them in order to dispatch them quickly.

HP: 200
ATK: 38
EXP: 150
AP: 3
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: None
Location: Misty Forest Road, Skeleton Cave, Tristis Pass
“Dinosaur fossils imbued with an evil spirit.”

Notes: Common Castlevania enemy. Will drop many hearts or gold upon defeat. Using gold-boosting glyphs and items will result in a higher payout.

HP: 13
ATK: 30
EXP: 6
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Light
Tolerances: Strike, Slash, Darkness
Item drops: None
Location: Somnus Reef
“An evil spirit whose power causes shipwrecks.”

Notes: None.

HP: 88
ATK: 34
EXP: 59
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Thunder, Curse, Stone
Tolerances: Ice
Item drops: Merman Meat
Location: Somnus Reef
“A nymph whose voice and beauty lures victims to a watery grave.”

Notes: There is a small hallway room in the second half of Somnus Reef where there is a single Lorelai, which is an ideal place to farm for the Merman Meat.

HP: 110
ATK: 35
EXP: 57
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Thunder
Tolerances: Ice
Item drops: None
Location: Somnus Reef
“A snake-like water dweller.”

Notes: Can inflict poison. Attacking body segments will cause them to detach.

HP: 96
ATK: 40
EXP: 63
AP: 3
Weaknesses: Flame, Thunder, Light, Darkness
Tolerances: Strike, Slash
Item drops: None
Location: Somnus Reef
“A five-legged demon servant.”

Notes: A large hazard enemy that rotates slowly through rooms. Ignis can deal with them quickly.

HP: 80
ATK: 37
EXP: 56
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Ice
Tolerances: Slash, Thunder, Poison, Curse
Item drops: Zircon
Location: Somnus Reef
“An aquatic humanoid, known for its violent, territorial ways.”

Notes: They're very similar, but they're not to be confused with the weaker red variant. They actually have different names in Japanese (The red one being called the Half-Fish Man, and the yellow one being called the Merman) but the English translation results in an interesting situation with two different enemy types sharing a name. Their behaviors are much the same, though.

HP: 98
ATK: 36
EXP: 63
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Poison, Curse, Stone
Tolerances: Strike, Light
Item drops: Croque Monsieur, Heart Repair
Location: Giant’s Dwelling
“A swift half-woman, half-monster. Toys with her prey.”

Notes: Will turn friendly and damage other enemies on contact if Arma Felix is used.

HP: 33
ATK: 30
EXP: 55
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Light
Tolerances: Strike, Slash, Darkness
Item drops: Uncurse Potion
Location: Giant’s Dwelling, Tristis Pass
“A substance that oozes from lingering corpses.”

Notes: Can inflict Curse.

HP: 44
ATK: 38
EXP: 56
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Light
Tolerances: Strike, Slash, Ice, Darkness
Item drops: Choco Souffle
Location: Giant’s Dwelling
“Curses the living with its deadly song.”

Notes: Can inflict Curse. Attacks by summoning projectiles that spiral downwards.

HP: 66
ATK: 40
EXP: 66
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Light, Stone
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Vol Falcis
Location: Giant’s Dwelling
“A stealthy and bloodthirsty killer.”

Notes: Will appear by creating a tear in reality next to the player before doing one snip motion with her scissors, and then disappearing.

HP: 64
ATK: 38
EXP: 64
AP: 2
Weaknesses: Thunder
Tolerances: Strike, Slash
Item drops: Iron Ore
Location: Giant’s Dwelling, Training Hall
“An animated puppet made by a demon scientist. Model No. 26.”

Notes: Will turn friendly if Arma Machina is used.

HP: 400
ATK: 50
EXP: 190
AP: 3
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: Barbarian Helm
Location: Skeleton Cave, Giant’s Dwelling, Oblivion Ridge
“A skeletal brute armed with a huge club.”

Notes: Variant of the Giant Skeleton.

HP: 45
ATK: 38
EXP: 40
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Thunder
Tolerances: Strike, Light
Item drops: None
Location: Somnus Reef (Hard Mode), Tristis Pass
“A plant that scatters poisonous spores.”

Notes: Will release several spores upon death.

HP: 104
ATK: 40
EXP: 77
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Curse, Stone
Tolerances: Strike
Item drops: Silk Thread
Location: Tristis Pass
“A female spider. Her bodily fluids are highly toxic.”

Notes: Can inflict poison. The spiderlings that appear when she dies are purely cosmetic and cannot damage the player.

HP: 180
ATK: 43
EXP: 119
AP: 2
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Stone
Tolerances: Strike
Item drops: Copper Plate, Vol Scutum
Location: Tristis Pass, Oblivion Ridge
“A shield makes its defences nearly impenetrable.”

Notes: Using petrification attacks is the best way to kill these easily.

HP: 255
ATK: 42
EXP: 133
AP: 2
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame
Tolerances: Strike
Item drops: Meat
Location: Tristis Pass, Oblivion Ridge
“A ferocious armored beast with steel claws on hand and foot.”

Notes: None.

59. YETI
HP: 166
ATK: 50
EXP: 150
AP: 5
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame
Tolerances: Strike Ice
Item drops: None, but can be photographed for a quest
Location: Tymeo Mountains
“A mysterious, cowardly legend said to live in snowy mountains.”

Notes: Will not attack the player. It will jump off of the bridge after being alerted to your presence.

HP: 144
ATK: 40
EXP: 233
AP: 3
Weaknesses: Light
Tolerances: Thunder, Darkness
Item drops: Fulgur (Glyph steal)
Location: Tristis Pass
“This demon manifests its fury in thunderous peals.”

Notes: None.

61. OWL
HP: 69
ATK: 37
EXP: 52
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Ice, Curse, Stone
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Fidelis Noctua
Location: Tristis Pass
“The magic that empowers this owl also spurs it to violence.”

Notes: Fidelis Noctua is needed for a quest. Will swoop persistently.

HP: 184
ATK: 43
EXP: 120
AP: 2
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Poison, Curse
Tolerances: Strike
Item drops: None
Location: Oblivion Ridge
“Men cursed with lycanthropy develop a taste for blood.”

Notes: Kill ten for Irina’s quest. Attack with kicks and a ground pound that causes fire to appear.

HP: 24
ATK: 40
EXP: 14
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Ice, Stone
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Eagle Feather
Location: Tristis Pass, Oblivion Ridge
“With broad wings, this eagle bears its charges into battle.”

Notes: Similar to Owl.

HP: 100
ATK: 47
EXP: 58
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame
Tolerances: Thunder, Light
Item drops: Mandrake Root
Location: Argila Swamp
“Those who hear its scream know madness.”

Notes: Mandrake Root is needed for a quest.

HP: 143
ATK: 46
EXP: 100
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Ice, Curse, Stone
Tolerances: None
Item drops: None, but can be photographed for a quest.
Location: Argila Swamp
“A flying monster with a horse's head and a bat's body.”

Notes: Will fly, swoop, and breathe fire. As it's weak to stone, it might be easier to photograph if a petrification glyph is used.

HP: 220
ATK: 49
EXP: 125
AP: 2
Weaknesses: Slash, Thunder, Stone
Tolerances: Flame
Item drops: Silver Ore
Location: Argila Swamp
“A knight who sends a trained owl to attack his enemies.”

Notes: The owl he uses does not drop Fidelis Noctua. If you kill the owl first he will be briefly stunned and mourn his companion, but he cannot be damaged while in this state, unlike Symphony of the Night.

HP: 190
ATK: 45
EXP: 113
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Curse, Stone
Tolerances: Thunder, Light
Item drops: None
Location: Argila Swamp
“A victim of the parasitic une that leaves une in his steps.”

Notes: Can inflict poison.

HP: 260
ATK: 48
EXP: 150
AP: 2
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame
Tolerances: Thunder, Light
Item drops: None
Location: Oblivion Ridge, Argila Swamp
“Once an insectivore, this plant's tastes have broadened.”

Notes: Can petrify in some games, but if I’m recalling right, not in this one.

HP: 210
ATK: 50
EXP: 113
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Light, Poison, Curse, Stone
Tolerances: None
Item drops: None
Location: Mystery Manor, Dracula’s Castle (Library)
“A madman with a mechanized saw. Enjoys butchery and sculpting.”

Notes: Will charge at you with his chainsaw.

HP: 144
ATK: 40
EXP: 99
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Darkness, Stone
Tolerances: Light
Item drops: Cashmere Thread, Vol Luminatio (Glyph steal)
Location: Mystery Manor, Dracula's Castle (Library)
“Mocks God with sacrilegious chanting.”

Notes: Similar to Black Fomor. Vol Luminatio is worth stealing, at least until you can get Nitesco. It is a good option against Barlowe.

HP: 244
ATK: 44
EXP: 113
AP: 2
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Darkness
Item drops: None
Location: Minera Prison Island (Spotlight), Mystery Manor
“An evil will, given embodiment through dark karmic forces.”

Notes: There is no reward for beating the two spotlight Evil Forces in Minera Prison Island, so I recommend avoiding it spawning altogether. Can attack with contact damage and by using its tongue.

HP: 30
ATK: 50
EXP: 18
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Posion, Curse
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Rice Ball
Location: Oblivion Ridge, Mystery Manor, Dracula’s Castle (Castle Entrance, Underground Labyrinth)
“This sinister little man leaps like a bloodsucking flea.”

Notes: None.

HP: 66
ATK: 56
EXP: 6
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Light, Stone
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Spoiled Milk
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Castle Entrance, Library)
“A spirit with a steady diet of dead, rotting flesh.”

Notes: Stronger variant of Zombie. Can inflict poison.

HP: 92
ATK: 60
EXP: 66
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Light
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Eye for Decay
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Castle Entrance, Library)
“One of the castle's watchmen.”

Notes: None.

HP: 130
ATK: 62
EXP: 111
AP: 2
Weaknesses: Strike
Tolerances: Thunder
Item drops: None
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Castle Entrance)
“A demon turned to stone. Attacks in groups.” Notes: Will disguise itself as a statue. Despite the description saying it attacks in groups, we only ever see two in a room at most in this game.

HP: 99
ATK: 60
EXP: 0
AP: 0
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: None
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Castle Entrance, Library)
“The blood they absorb regenerates all wounds.”

Notes: An unkillable skeleton. Deplete its HP to stun it for a few seconds. Will not attack directly but rather walk back and forth.

HP: 168
ATK: 63
EXP: 152
AP: 3
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Poison, Curse, Stone
Tolerances: Strike, Light
Item drops: Arma Felix
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Castle Entrance, Library)
“A black, female panther.”

Notes: Will turn friendly and damage other enemies on contact when Arma Felix is used.

HP: 293
ATK: 80
EXP: 165
AP: 6
Weaknesses: None
Tolerances: None
Item drops: None
Location: Tristis Pass, Mystery Manor, Dracula’s Castle (Library)
“Poses as treasure to prey on mankind's greed.”

Notes: Will disguise as a regular treasure chest, and then start speeding across the floor when opened. It can be a pesky threat, and be difficult to defeat due to its high speed.

HP: 266
ATK: 66
EXP: 170
AP: 2
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Light, Stone
Tolerances: Darkness
Item drops: Crepes Suzette, Stephanie
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Library)
“This female vampire feasts on the blood of intruders.”

Notes: Summons a small bat to do her bidding. Petrification helps a lot with dealing with her persistent swooping. Also, she is based on the bat forms of Dracula’s brides in the 2004 movie “Van Helsing”.

HP: 256
ATK: 55
EXP: 180
AP: 4
Weaknesses: Strike, Thunder
Tolerances: Slash
Item drops: Silver Ore, Gold Ore
Location: Minera Prison Island (Spotlight), Dracula's Castle (Library, Barracks), Large Cavern
“A robot with no soul, and thus no fear.”

Notes: Defeating the spotlight variant will reward you with a Strength Ring. It has two phases. First, it will drive back and forth while spinning its large axe, then once half its health is depleted it will freeze and send out spurts of bullets in whatever direction it faced last. Simply crouch and whallop it with your hammer. Albus’s glyph, Acerbatus, is a good option against these.

HP: 155
ATK: 64
EXP: 124
AP: 2
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Fidelis Polkir
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Underground Labyrinth)
“Feasts on the precious memories of its victims.”

Notes: Will float around and occasionally cause fire to rise from the floor. This attack is telegraphed both visually and audibly.

HP: 248
ATK: 80
EXP: 138
AP: 1
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: Nitesco (Glyph steal)
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Underground Labyrinth, Barracks, Forsaken Cloister), Training Hall
“Holes were drilled in his head to implant psionic powers.”

Notes: STEAL NITESCO THE FIRST CHANCE YOU GET. It is the best glyph in the game. You can crouch beneath this enemy’s beam attack in normal mode, but in hard mode it is upgraded to the Nitesco union glyph and cannot be crouched under.

HP: 355
ATK: 65
EXP: 210
AP: 3
Weaknesses: Strike
Tolerances: Thunder
Item drops: None
Location: Dracula's Castle (Underground Labyrinth)
“The breath of this living statue petrifies human flesh.”

Notes: Can inflict petrification.

HP: 444
ATK: 66
EXP: 333
AP: 5
Weaknesses: Slash, Light
Tolerances: Flame, Ice, Darkness
Item drops: None
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Library, Barracks, Final Approach)
“Manipulates ice and flame while moving sluggishly.”

Notes: Will spit a projectile downwards from its mouth or claw at the player.

HP: 240
ATK: 63
EXP: 200
AP: 3
Weaknesses: Strike, Thunder
Tolerances: Flame
Item drops: Iron Leggings
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Underground Labyrinth, Barracks, Arms Depot, Mechanical Tower)
“An armored warrior with a knife of the same name.”

Notes: Its blade is fast moving and it can deal plenty of damage. I advise using Acerbatus to take this enemy out before it can start throwing its gurkha.

HP: 250
ATK: 65
EXP: 200
AP: 4
Weaknesses: Strike, Thunder
Tolerances: Flame
Item drops: Iron Plate, Vol Culter
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Underground Labyrinth, Barracks, Arms Depot, Mechanical Tower)
“An armored warrior outfitted with twin daggers.”

Notes: Similar to Gurkha Master, but uses swords. Interestingly, it drops Vol Culter rarely, but you will receive Melio Culter from a glyph statue around the same time you encounter this enemy, so it isn't worth farming for apart from completionism.

HP: 310
ATK: 60
EXP: 199
AP: 4
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Poison, Curse
Tolerances: Strike
Item drops: None, but can be photographed for a quest.
Location: Tymeo Mountains, Dracula’s Castle (Forsaken Cloister, Final Approach)
“This beast extracts cow entrails with its tongue.”

Notes: Can summon an electric field to deal several ticks of damage and stun the player, and will also leap into the air and do a lashing tongue attack. It's a very dangerous enemy when encountered in Tymeo, so I recommend waiting for Dracula’s Castle to photograph it, as the environment for it is more ideal.

HP: 200
ATK: 58
EXP: 190
AP: 3
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: None
Location: Skeleton Cave (Hard Mode), Dracula’s Castle (Barracks, Forsaken Cloister, Final Approach)
“Excels at duels with its dual-wielding technique.”

Notes: A fast skeleton that will leap around and slide at you. Can block some attacks with its blade.

HP: 366
ATK: 66
EXP: 188
AP: 4
Weaknesses: Slash, Light, Curse, Stone
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Pudding
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Final Approach)
“Tempts her victims by exploiting their most secret fantasies.”

Notes: The description has some interesting character and lore implications given how she greets Shanoa as a “cute little kitty”. Draw your own conclusions. Anyway, she can create a heart projectile that will inflict Curse when it hits Shanoa. Similar to the Werebat otherwise.

HP: 375
ATK: 68
EXP: 238
AP: 6
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Stone
Tolerances: Strike
Item drops: None
Location: Misty Forest Road (requires Paries), Dracula’s Castle (Barracks, Mechanical Tower, Final Approach)
“This lizard is reptilian enough to wield a huge sword.”

Notes: More powerful Lizardman variant. Equally susceptible to being petrified. Fidelis Medusa is a great option here.

HP: 450
ATK: 72
EXP: 260
AP: 5
Weaknesses: Strike, Thunder
Tolerances: Flame
Item drops: Silver Ore, Melio Macir
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Underground Labyrinth, Barracks, Arms Depot, Mechanical Tower)
“A superhuman warrior that swings his hammer effortlessly.”

Notes: Another armor enemy, this one has a big hammer. Slower moving, so you can probably destroy it before it can swing its weapon.

HP: 666
ATK: 75
EXP: 400
AP: 7
Weaknesses: Slash
Tolerances: Thunder
Item drops: None
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Mechanical Tower, Arms Depot)
“Assembled from the corpses of many renowned warriors.”

Notes: More powerful variant of The Creature.

93. IMP
HP: 66
ATK: 66
EXP: 44
AP: 2
Weaknesses: Light
Tolerances: None
Item drops: None
Location: Dracula's Castle (Barracks, Mechanical Tower, Final Approach)
“A tiny demon who loves mischief.”

Notes: Can briefly take over your controls and use your last input repeatedly. Thankfully easy to kill, a single blast from Nitesco can usually make quick work of it.

HP: 156
ATK: 65
EXP: 134
AP: 3
Weaknesses: Light
Tolerances: Thunder
Item drops: None
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Forsaken Cloister, Barracks, Arms Depot, Mechanical Tower, Final Approach)
“A single-eyed fiend cloaked in lightning.”

Note: Stronger variant of Peeping Eye.

HP: 280
ATK: 77
EXP: 240
AP: 4
Weaknesses: Strike, Thunder
Tolerances: Flame
Item drops: Melio Secare
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Arms Depot, Final Approach)
“This blade is as sharp and deadly as the spirit that possesses it.”

Notes: Will summon several layers of weapons to defend itself. Simply knock them all away and defeat the sword in the center.

HP: 256
ATK: 80
EXP: 128
AP: 4
Weaknesses: Thunder
Tolerances: Strike, Slash
Item drops: Silver Ore, Arma Machina
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Mechanical Tower, Final Approach)
“A nearly-complete mobile robot. Model No. 27.”

Notes: Stronger variant of Automaton ZX27. Will become friendly when Arma Machina is used.

HP: 1
ATK: 60
EXP: 1
AP: 0
Weaknesses: Slash
Tolerances: None
Item drops: None
Location: Ruvas Forest (Hard Mode), Tymeo Mountains (Hard Mode), Dracula’s Castle (Mechanical Tower, Forsaken Cloister)
“Medusa's severed head spawned multitudes of these pests.”

Notes: A pesky enemy that will fly across the screen in a sine wave pattern and repeatedly spawn. The yellow variants can petrify.

HP: 1
ATK: 80
EXP: 1
AP: 0
Weaknesses: Slash
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Fidelis Medusa (Guaranteed), Mirror Cuirass
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Forsaken Cloister, Mechanical Tower)
“Created from the head of Medusa. Turns its victims into stone.”

Notes: Somewhat rare grey variant of Medusa Head. Inflicts petrification. Has two excellent drops, the best familiar in the game and an armor that grants immunity to petrification.

HP: 444
ATK: 74
EXP: 200
AP: 3
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Light, Curse, Stone
Tolerances: None
Item drops: None
Location: Dracula's Castle (Arms Depot)
“Parasite that clings to, then continually drains its victims.”

Notes: Stronger variant of the Mad Butcher.

HP: 600
ATK: 85
EXP: 450
AP: 6
Weaknesses:r Strike, Thunder
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Knight Helm, Melio Ascia
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Library, Arms Depot)
“One of Castlevania's many elite armored guardians.”

Notes: None.

HP: 700
ATK: 90
EXP: 460
AP: 7
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: Barbarian Shoes, Barbarian Belt
Location: Dracula's Castle (Arms Depot)
“A skeleton armed with a huge battle ax.”

Notes: Variant of the Giant Skeleton.

HP: 30
ATK: 87
EXP: 1
AP: 0
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: Fidelis Alate
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Final Approach)
“An image of death given wings to soar through the night sky.”

Notes: Stronger variant of the Winged Guard and mostly serve as an obstacle in the Volaticus Room.

HP: 666
ATK: 100
EXP: 573
AP: 8
Weaknesses: Strike, Thunder
Tolerances: Flame, Ice
Item drops:Knight Leggings, Knight Cuirass
Location: Dracula's Castle (Final Approach)
“This elite warrior sees intruders as its quarry.”

Note: Stronger variant of the Great Knight. Can make flames appear on the floor by pounding its axe. While formidable, though, you can easily avoid this enemy by speeding past it with Rapidus Fio, though some damage will be taken.

HP: 6500
ATK: 240
EXP: 2525
AP: 30
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Darkness
Item drops: Fidelis Mortus (Glyph steal)
Location: Large Cavern - Boss
“This blood-sucking creature crossed the sea from the East.”

Notes: Simply use Melio Scutum to remove the balls of lightning, absorb the glyph when it is summoned, and unleash all your highest damaging attacks to win without fail and claim your victory.

HP: 1333
ATK: 166
EXP: 999
AP: 13
Weaknesses: Light
Tolerances: Darkness
Item drops: Globus (Glyph steal)
Location: Large Cavern
“A superior demon, more terrifying than its most dangerous kin.”

Notes: Strongest demon variant, and carries Barlowe’s signature glyph. Can easily be avoided by waiting a minute before running through the rooms where it can appear, as the doors will open. This is because it has to be alerted before it can appear through its portal.

HP: 2000
ATK: 180
EXP: 1600
AP: 15
Weaknesses: Strike, Thunder
Tolerances: Flame
Item drops: Gold Ore
Location: Large Cavern, Training Hall
“The only thing more dangerous than a giant hammer is two.”

Notes: Capable of immense damage, but thankfully it can easily be dodged by using Volaticus. The one in Training Hall is scary, but you can avoid it entirely by walking onto the moving platform immediately after entering the room.

HP: 3000
ATK: 180
EXP: 2000
AP: 18
Weaknesses: Strike, Thunder
Tolerances: Flame
Item drops: Gold Ore
Location: Large Cavern
“Uses any manner of weapon as easily as a part of its own body.”

Notes: Will use all armor weapons. It's easy to dodge with Volaticus by baiting it into repeatedly using the gurkha and flying back and forth.

HP: 800
ATK: 36
EXP: 350
AP: 10
Weaknesses: Strike, Flame, Light
Tolerances: Ice, Darkness
Item drops: Skeleton Medal (No damage, boss)
Location: Minera Prison Island - Boss, Tristis Pass
“A giant condemned in ages past.”

Notes: See boss section on combat page.

HP: 700
ATK: 30
EXP: 300
AP: 20
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame
Tolerances: Strike
Item drops: Arthro Medal (No damage)
Location: Monastery - Boss
“A giant mutant created to guard the stronghold.”

Notes: See boss section on combat page.

HP: 1800
ATK: 40
EXP: 1000
AP: 30
Weaknesses: Strike, Thunder
Tolerances: Flame
Item drops: Brachyura Medal (No damage)
Location: Lighthouse - Boss
“A giant crab from the depths of Transylvanian history.”

Notes: See boss section on combat page.

HP: 2500
ATK: 51
EXP: 1500
AP: 40
Weaknesses: Slash, Flame, Light
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Maneater Medal (No Damage)
Location: Skeleton Cave - Boss
“This monstrous insect buzzes about inside a great skull.”

Notes: See boss section on combat page.

HP: 2800
ATK: 60
EXP: 2000
AP: 50
Weaknesses: Slash, Thunder
Tolerances: Strike, Ice
Item drops: Rusalka Medal (No damage)
Location: Somnus Reef - Boss
“This aquatic demon compels the squalls to obedience.”

Notes: See boss section on combat page.

HP: 4200
ATK: 85
EXP: 2500
AP: 60
Weaknesses: Slash
Tolerances: Thunder
Item drops: Goliath Medal (No damage)
Location: Giant’s Dwelling - Boss
“The only thing more massive than he is the weight of his blasphemies.”

Notes: See boss section on combat page.

HP: 3600
ATK: 70
EXP: 3000
AP: 70
Weaknesses: Strike, Ice
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Gravedo Medal (No damage)
Location: Oblivion Ridge - Boss
“A monster that tracks its prey through vibrations in the earth.”

Notes: See boss section on combat page.

115. ALBUS
HP: 4000
ATK: 80
EXP: 0
AP: 0
Weaknesses: Slash, Darkness
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Acerbatus (Glyph steal), Albus Medal (No damage)
Location: Mystery Manor - Boss
“Expert in the use of firearms. His gun is called ‘Agartha.’”

Notes: See boss section on combat page.

HP: 4000
ATK: 75
EXP: 0
AP: 0
Weaknesses: Slash, Light
Tolerances: Darkness
Item drops: Globus (Glyph steal), Barlowe Medal (No damage)
Location: Ecclesia - Boss
“A pitiable madman, his body is now Dracula's vessel.”

Notes: See boss section on combat page.

HP: 9999
ATK: 100
EXP: 3500
AP: 80
Weaknesses: Slash
Tolerances: None
Item drops: Paries (Glyph steal), Wallman Medal (No damage)
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Library) - Boss
“Walls are no obstacle for this bizzare being.”

Notes: See boss section on combat page.

HP: 5000
ATK: 120
EXP: 4300
AP: 99
Weaknesses: Flame, Light
Tolerances: Darkness
Item drops: Blackmore Medal (No damage)
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Underground Labyrinth) - Boss
“Sustains himself on the essence of his victims' souls.”

Notes: See boss section on combat page.

HP: 3000
ATK: 120
EXP: 4300
AP: 99
Weaknesses: Strike, Thunder (Legs), Slash (Eyes)
Tolerances: Flame (Legs)
Item drops: Eligor Medal (No damage)
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Arms Depot) - Boss
“A giant demon knight summoned to protect the castle.”

Notes: See boss section on combat page.

120. DEATH
HP: 4444
ATK: 130
EXP: 4444
AP: 99
Weaknesses: Light
Tolerances: Darkness
Item drops: Death Medal (No damage)
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Mechanical Tower) - Boss
“Dracula's confidant. Knows dark secrets hidden from all others.”

Notes: See boss section on combat page.

HP: 9999
ATK: 160
EXP: 0
AP: 0
Weaknesses: Light
Tolerances: Darkness
Item drops: Dracula Medal (No damage)
Location: Dracula’s Castle (Final Approach) - Boss
“The true master of the castle, and the prince of evil.”

Notes: See boss section on combat page.