
Visit my Shrines...

Here's where you can find my fansites/wikis, shrines/essays, interactive web zones and worlds, and more. Simply click on an icon below to visit one.

Web Zones

A shrine dedicated to unarchived memories, magical horses, and dissecting nostalgia- that doubles as an interactive world. By far my biggest passion project. In the land of Clovenglade, you can choose your very own horse, compete in shows, customize your own cottage, search for secrets, ride through an interactive exploration game, and more...

Published 11/1/23
Game Added 3/29/24

(This shrine has autoplaying music, and uses Javascript for many features.)

Shrine Pages

A final part of my "animal girl trilogy", this one being an exploration of the Warrior Cats series and how it was shaped by transformative fanwork. It also has an interactive roleplay generator!

Published 9/18/24

(This shrine has autoplaying audio, and uses some Javascript.)

A character shrine dedicated to Dominique from the Bloodstained series.

Published 7/5/24

(This shrine has autoplaying music.)

A shrine dedicated to dissecting the idea of wolves as icons of outsider self-identification.

Published 9/6/23

(This shrine has autoplaying music.)

Wikis & Fansites

A dedicated OoE fansite that started off as a fairly simple shrine project...

Published 3/28/23