The Pet Shop

The perfect place to find a new friend that you can add to your site. The only condition is that you don't hotlink, and maybe link back to my page somewhere if you feel like it- not too hard, right? Hopefully you'll give one of them a loving home :)

If you see a little candle icon, that indicates that those pets are made to be compatible with Gifypet and sometimes even come with corresponding background graphics!

Gif Garden


Have you ever wanted to grow your own digital plant? Simply click one of these seed bags to recieve a potted plant, that will take 6 minutes to grow into its full form if you keep it in an open tab. By putting it on your page, your visitors can relax for a minute and watch it grow every time they visit your website. What does each one grow into? It's a surprise! But you can cross-reference with this page from my witch's almanac to see what plant you've grown.

Beast Friends (Clovenglade)


These pets were created as part of an expansion to Clovenglade, my interactive shrine project focused on virtual worlds. To read more about these mysterious creatures, I reccomend checking the Merchant's Faire- and further exploring this magical land, if the fancy strikes you. Each adoptable corresponds to a specific habitat to be used in Gifypet.

Wygol Cats (Remake)


The first adoptables I made were based on the cats from Order of Ecclesia. I didn't really have a solid grasp on "best practices" regarding page adopts, so they were absolutely huge images with text and etc etc etc. Just not great. SO! I remade them as little animated pixel pets instead! Perhaps they'll warm up to your homepage...

Trick or Treat


These Halloween spirits from a candy bowl struck by lightning have come to life on this All Hallow’s Eve, and they’ve been spending all their nights looking for a companion who shares in their spooky joy. 4 TREATS, silly monsters made of candy, and 4 TRICKS, who are devilish pranksters, are all looking for homes... on YOUR website!

Wolf Adopts


These were made for my wolf shrine but since this is my adopts page I figured I might as well put the bases here as well. The hard part (animation) is done for you- just color it in, easy peasy.

Wygol Cats


The four cats of Wygol Village, based on the cats you can rescue and interact with in Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. Each of them come with a "good luck charm" for your site and a short description of their personality. These were made early on in my site, so they're a bit big. Uh... whoops.